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  • Writer's pictureDavid Carlson

Friday, July 26, 2024: “Feeding the Five Thousand: " Announcement for Emmaus Community Liturgy this Sunday, July 28, 2025

Friday, July 26, 2024: “Feeding the Five Thousand:" Announcement for Emmaus Community Liturgy this Sunday, July 28, 2025

“The wounds of scarcity can only be healed by faith in God’s abundance.” 

(Walter Brueggermann)



Emmaus Community Liturgy

Sunday, July 28, 2025

“Feeding the Five Thousand”

The potluck dinners that follow each of our Emmaus liturgies always provide an interesting mixture of snacks, salads, entrees, and desserts…sometimes more of one than the others, but we always seem to have enough for everyone to have their fill…and then some! And quite often the “left-overs” are carefully packaged up, and taken by Peter and Cathy Schneider to the Ninth Street underpass area in Santa Rosa to offer to those who find themselves homeless, hurting and hungry.

The scriptural story we will hear this Sunday, is one we have heard many, many times before and one we’ve probably imagined, in our mind’s eye, over and over as we’ve matured. In the Gospel, when the word about Jesus of Nazareth was catching fire across the Palestinian countryside, crowds large and small, began following him. And not just one group, but people from different levels of society and surrounding cultures were there too. So, just how, did such a miracle occur? And, anyway, why would feeding the throngs of people matter to Jesus?

Is this a story about the compassion of Jesus for his followers? Is this a story about people having compassion for, and with, one another? Is this a story merely about sharing? Or is this a story about Living Bread being blessed, broken open, and given? And just who was…and is… this Living Bread?

All this and so much more will be on the liturgical menu this coming Sunday, July 28th. We’ll all be invited to take the scriptural story within ourselves, and see what surfaces…and then share that with each other during our dialogue homily.

So, come this Sunday,  hungry, thirsty and ready to be nourished with the living bread of our soul’s connections with, and for, our beloved Emmaus Community. 

Victoria MacDonald

Jeanine Hillman

Nancy McFarland

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